Monday, May 23, 2011

20 Weeks and Counting!

It has been awhile since I updated my blog! So here is a good update!! Not a lot has happened physcially excpet for my belly getting bigger!! Thanks to mama's good genes, I don't have any stretch marks (not yet, and hopefully won't!). I did, however go get some cocoa butter to rub on my belly, but I don't really know how much it helps. In recent days, my lower back is starting to get sore because it has to support my growing belly! My feet are also starting to hurt - even in tennis shoes! I don't have any swelling yet in my hands or feet... so that's pretty much it! I say that I am pretty blessed to not have as many horrible symptoms as my other pregnant friends. Below is a picture of my belly at 19 weeks.

19 Weeks!

Happy mother's day mama! Special memories with you! I pray that I will be as good as a mother as you!
I also wanted to say thank you for all of your baby gifts and sweet cards that were written! Last week, we moved the entire upstairs guest room to the downstairs room. It was a big project and Bibi and I didn't stop working until 11PM one night without even noticing! We were able to set up the entire bed downstairs, build the crib and install a bookshelf upstairs in the new baby room. It made it a little more real - going into the baby room the next morning and seeing a little crib in there. It is amazing to think that I'll be walking into that room soon to see a little baby in there waiting all cozy in a onsie!! Can't wait for those mornings. Below are some pictures of the beginning stages of our baby room and the downstairs bedroom. We also hung curtains in our living room!! We were busy bees last week! I think I decided to do the room in all whites and greys - the bedding will be textured whites and a charcol grey. When the bay is born, if it is a girl, I want to incorporate plum purple and if it is a boy, I want to use blues...

little bookshelf

downstairs guest room

living room with curtains

Thank you for the baby happies and kind cards!
 So last Friday, I had my 20 week appointment! This is when most people find out the gender of the baby, but Bibi and I are excited to wait! The ultrasounds was still amazing! I saw the two hemispheres of the brain, the four chambers of the heart, its little nosie, lips, little hands, feet, backbone, ribs and little movements that were going on inside me. I think the best part of the ultrasound was feeling the baby kick inside of me and then seeing that same movement on the tv screen! Our baby is healthy and everything looks wonderful! Praise God! We are so blessed! We got a few pictures of the baby from the ultrasound. We think that it might have my nose (ha!) and Bibi's lips! It is really hard to tell, but it is fun to think about!
The top pictures is baby posing - pondering life with its little hand below its chin. The second picture you can see its little nosie and big lips!

My birthday was great too! Thank you for all your birthday wishes and sweet cards. Wednesday (my actual birthday), Bibi surprised me at work and took me out to lunch with Kyan. Later that night, I opened my present (a new iPad 2) and then Bibi, Daniela, Hall and I went out to this wonderful little italian restaraunt. It was delicious! Then on Friday, Bibi surprised me with something else!! He cooked a meal (everything from scratch) for me and my best girlfriends! Can it get any better than that?! We had stuffed chicken with artichoke hearts and sun dried tomatoes, panzanella salad and mac & cheese with bbq short ribs! It was quite amazing. Then my girlfriends and I went out to a movie and went to this little country westren bar in San Juan - it was so much fun! Thank you, Bibi and friends for making my birthday so memorable.
birthday dinner

daniela & hall
me and mandi

me and megan

daniela and sam

mandi, megan, sam and me

Below are some pictures that were on my camera that I was unable to download until now. Enjoy!

My famous hommeade coconut cake that took me literally half a day to make (a  Bobby Flay recipe)! happy birthday, kyan!

Me and bethany - we are both pregnant, she is only a few weeks behind me. Belly picture at Kyan's birthday

me and bibi at Kyan's birthday

me and my beautiful sister when she was out here visiting. I love you ani!

easter sunday with my sweet husband. 16 weeks prego

me, kyan and andrea at her bridal shower

andrea and her bridesmaides!

me and andrea at her bridal shower. 20 weeks prego

bibi and I at the angels game. 20 weeks prego. Baby pham was kicking in this picture!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

16 & 17 Weeks!!

I haven't updated my blog since last week!! So sorry! We had our doctor's appointment about two weeks ago and found out that the baby was growing and very healthy! Great news! Praise God! The baby can now hear our voices and can start to feel it kick closer to 20 weeks... or so I thought! I am 17 weeks today and will be 18 weeks tomorrow (Friday). This last weekend, I felt the baby kick for the first time!! Oh my goodness! It was so exciting! I blame it on our friend's homemade caramel popcorn (thanks Mandi!). Maybe because it was so sugary it made the baby wake up - ha-ha. It was kicking and felt like little punches There was one big kick the middle of my belly and then some other little flutters on the right side :) SO CUTE! The next day at church, I felt it again - it is probably the best thing to feel those little flutters for the first time. My friend Daniela was the first to feel it kick because Bibi was out of town for the weekend. It wasn't until tonight, where we were watching the Office on TV and it started to kick. I had Bibi put his hand on my stomach and Baby Pham kicked 4 times in a row (the strong one in the middle)! That was the first time that Baby Pham kicked like that! The baby can hear voices now and is developing the nervous system. If you want to read about how the baby is developing at 18 weeks, click here.

16 wonderful weeks!

17 Weeks!!

Ladera Ranch Garage Sale!!!

Anthro Bedding! Am changing out the new guest bedroom to all black and white!

I am the most excited about this piece! Going on wall leading up our staircase... will send pictures when done!

Mirror for guest room!